
Date of Birth: 21/05/2017
Gender: Female
Gotcha Day: 15/06/2017
Breed: European Cat

Ariane was on her way with the car and spotted a little black mound on the road. It was a small kitten, dying in 37°C heat in the middle of the road. Every part of her little body was oozing with pus, her eyes, her ears, her nose. She seemed to only be able to breathe through her mouth.
Ariane picked her up without hesitation and placed her in the car. She wasn’t moving in the car at all and we called the vet thinking she probably needed to be euthanised.
She was cleaned and received antibiotics, homeopathy, and inhalations (4 times a day) of essential oils to clear her airways and was put in quarantine at the house for 2 months. What was one a weak kitten transformed into a hyperactive cat.

When we brought Narnia home, Noubia was intrigued with this tiny ball of fluff and she was quite brutal with her but at one point she seemed to have realised Narnia was still so small and couldn’t take that kind of play and suddenly became incredibly soft and gentle. She mothered baby Narnia and taught her the ways of being a cat. Narnia can do no wrong by her, she can play with her tail, and do whatever she pleases, Noubia will let her do it. The only other cat she likes and plays with is Isis.
She does not like being pet. It seems she finds that disgusting. If you were to pet her once, she would instantly start grooming and cleaning herself. She enjoys our company and likes to be where we are, but she would rather we did not touch her. She’s like a china shop. You can look but you can’t touch.