
Date of Birth: 2019
Gender: Male
Gotcha Day: 15/09/2019
Breed: Sheep

It was time for Benco to be shaved, and of course the shearer won’t come to you just for one sheep, so you have to go to them.
While the shearer was shaving Benco, he told us that he bred Ouessant sheep, and that last year he had to eat all the little rams. This year he decided to have them all castrated and try to sell them, although any that he could not sell he would eventually eat too.
Ariane thought it would be nice for Benco to have some company of his own species as he seemed lonely, and so that way there would also be two baby sheep who were not going to be eaten.
The shearer brought the little rams over to Mudita together in his car. They were very wild, no-one had ever touched them. He told us we should socialise them as soon as possible, as when he would come the following year to shave them he wouldn’t have time to chase after them!
Within two months they were already very friendly, and they really stick together. Benco is so much happier now – before they came he was banging into the gate all the time to try and get where Ariane was, and now he doesn’t do that anymore.

Aslan is the leader and the more confident one. He has the round horns. Onyx has sticking out horns that look like tiny versions of normal horns. One interesting thing is that when you castrate sheep so young their horns will never grow.
They were never mistreated, and they stayed with their mother until the shearer brought them here. The first days at the sanctuary they were calling a lot but then Benco became sort of like their stepfather and they calmed down.